계약 체결 시 모듈러 워터 시스템 위한 최초 자체 생산시설 설립
에켈베리 최고경영자 "국가 물인프라 매년 저하…기업이 직접 물 처리해야"

오리진클리어(OriginClear Inc.)는 1월 10일(현지시각) 미국 텍사스주에 본사를 둔 플라스틱 웰딩 앤 패브리케이션(Plastic Welding and Fabrication, PWF)과 전략적 파트너십을 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 공동 발표했다. [사진제공 = 오리진클리어(OrginClear)]
오리진클리어(OriginClear Inc.)는 1월 10일(현지시각) 미국 텍사스주에 본사를 둔 플라스틱 웰딩 앤 패브리케이션(Plastic Welding and Fabrication, PWF)과 전략적 파트너십을 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 공동 발표했다. [사진제공 = 오리진클리어(OrginClear)]

오리진클리어(OriginClear Inc.)는 1월 10일(현지시각) 미국 텍사스주에 본사를 둔 플라스틱 웰딩 앤 패브리케이션(Plastic Welding and Fabrication, PWF)과 전략적 파트너십을 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 공동 발표했다. 

PWF는 모듈러 워터 시스템(Modular Water Systems, MWS)을 위한 특허 기반 인클로저(Enclosure)의 핵심 제조업체다. MWS는 자체 수처리 및 운송 확장성이 뛰어난 시스템을 설계·개발하는 워터 온 디멘드(Water On Demand, WODI)의 기술 부서다. 이 양해각서는 전략적 파트너십을 강화하는 동시에, MWS가 인클로저를 제조하는 지점에 완전한 용수 시스템을 구축해 최대한의 효율과 속도를 보장할 수 있도록 한다. 

또한, 양사는 WODI가 PWF를 인수하기 위한 최종 계약 협상 프레임워크를 제공하는 의향서(LOI)에 서명했으며, 계약 체결 시 WODI의 모듈러 워터 시스템을 위한 최초의 자체 생산시설을 설립할 예정이다. 양사는 협상이 초기 단계이며 성공하지 못할 수도 있다고 경고하고 있다.

다니엘 M. 얼리(Daniel M. Early) 오리진클리어의 수석 엔지니어 겸 MWS의 회장은 "PWF 소유주이자 CEO인 션 슈마케(Shaun Shoemake)와 함께 일하게 돼 기쁘다"며 "모듈러 워터 시스템은 표준화된 모듈식 제품 라인으로 엄청난 성장 잠재력을 가지고 있고, 이러한 잠재력을 활용하려면 생산을 신속히 확장할 수 있는 능력이 필요하다"고 말했다.

이어 "PWF와 협약은 완전히 통합된 제조 공급망에 대한 접근을 통해 사업을 빠르게 확장할 수 있는 능력을 제공한다"며 "독점 고밀도 폴리에틸렌(High Density Polyethylene, HDPE) 인클로저와 내충격성 코폴리머 폴리프로필렌(CPP) 소재 제조를 위해 MWS를 우선시하고, MWS가 공급망 효율을 극대화하기 위해 자사의 부지를 사용해 이러한 인클로저에 완전한 수처리 시스템을 구축할 수 있어 기쁘다"고 덧붙였다.

릭스 에켈베리(Riggs Eckelberry) 오리진클리어 최고경영자 겸 WODI 회장은 "국가 물 인프라는 매년 약 1천억 달러 규모로 뒤쳐지고 있다"며 "해결책은 기업이 물을 직접 처리하고 재이용할 수 있도록 함으로써 부족한 담수를 활용하는 것"이라고 밝혔다.

에켈베리 최고경영자는 "워터 온 디멘드(Water On Demand)로 자본의 개입 없이 서비스 계약에 간단히 서명할 수 있다"며 "자금은 일반 투자자로부터 나오기 때문에 최초로 물을 투자 가능한 자산으로 만들었다"고 강조했다.


OriginClear’s Water On Demand In Strategic Partnership with the Intent to Acquire Manufacturer for its Proprietary Modular Products

Acquisition Would Bring Manufacturing In-House for Modular Water Systems Division

Clearwater, FL and Buda, TX – January 10, 2024 – OriginClear Inc. (OTC Other: OCLN), the Clean Water Innovation Hub™, and Buda, Texas-based Plastic Welding and Fabrication, Ltd. (PWF) jointly announced today a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a strategic partnership between OriginClear’s subsidiary, Water On Demand, Inc. (“WODI”), and PWF.

PWF is already a key fabricator of highly durable, patent-based enclosures for Modular Water Systems (MWS), the technology division of WODI that designs and develops highly scalable systems for self-contained water treatment and transportation. The MOU enhances the strategic relationship and enables MWS to build its complete water systems right where the enclosures are manufactured, for maximum efficiency and speed.

Additionally, the parties signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) which provides a framework for negotiating a definitive agreement for WODI to acquire PWF and, if executed, would establish the first in-house manufacturing facility for WODI’s Modular Water Systems division. The acquisition is expected to be accretive (meaning that it would increase WODI’s earnings per share). The parties caution that talks are in an early stage and may not succeed.

“We are excited to continue our work with PWF owner and CEO, Shaun Shoemake and his talented team,” said Daniel M. Early, P.E., OriginClear’s chief engineer, and president of MWS. “Modular Water Systems has tremendous growth potential due to its highly standardized, modular line of products. To capitalize on this potential, we need the ability to rapidly scale production. The agreement with PWF is intended to give us the ability to rapidly expand the business through access to a fully integrated manufacturing supply chain.”

“We believe this strategic partnership will further reinforce our strong working relationship,” said Mr. Shoemake. “We are pleased to prioritize Modular Water Systems for the fabrication of its proprietary High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) enclosures, and the impact-resistant Copolymer Polypropylene (CPP) material, and for MWS to use our premises to build their complete water treatment systems into these enclosures, for maximum supply chain efficiency.”

“Our national water infrastructure is falling behind by nearly $100 billion per year,” said Riggs Eckelberry, OriginClear CEO and Chairman of WODI. “The solution is to let businesses treat and even recycle their own water, making better use of scarce fresh water. And with Water On Demand, they can simply sign a service contract, with little to no capital required. The funding comes from everyday investors, making water an investable asset for the first time.”

In October of 2023, WODI and Fortune Rise Acquisition Corporation (FRLA) announced a Business Combination to create a Nasdaq-listed Company. The planned acquisition of PWF is not conditioned on the consummation of this Business Combination.

FRLA is a blank check company incorporated in February 2021 as a Delaware corporation formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization, or similar business combination with one or more businesses.

FRLA is a “shell company” as defined under the Exchange Act of 1934 as amended, because it has no operations and nominal assets consisting almost entirely of cash. FRLA will not generate any operating revenues until after the completion of its initial business combination, at the earliest. To date, FRLA’s efforts have been limited to organizational activities and activities related to its initial public offering as well as the search for a prospective business combination target.

About Plastic Welding & Fabrication Ltd.

Plastic Welding & Fabrication, Ltd. (PWF) specializes in custom fabrications of thermoplastic products, particularly freestanding tanks for hot dip galvanizers, metal platers, and aluminum anodizers. PWF is renowned in the plastic fabrication industry for their strict adherence to the welding standards and procedures set by the D.V.S. (German Welding Society). In addition, PWF collaborates with industry leaders to provide a wide range of products including rotational molded polyethylene storage tanks, fiberglass tanks, automated flow solutions, and electrical heating systems. PWF also offers design-to-install turnkey process systems.

To learn more about PWF’s extensive capabilities in industrial-strength products and plastic welding services, please call (512) 295-6412 or visit their website at https://www.plasticweldingandfabrication.com

About OriginClear

Once a government monopoly, clean water is going private. Local industries and communities are now treating and recycling their own water, helping to reduce the burden on municipal systems and save on fast-rising water rates while also responding to the challenge of climate change. That’s good for business and good for sustainability, and now the innovative fintech, Water On Demand™, is fueling this movement. For the first time, Clean Water is becoming an investable asset, open to Main Street investors, with the potential for generational royalties.

[출처 = 오리진클리어(OriginClear)(https://www.originclear.com/company-news/originclears-water-on-demand-in-strategic-partnership-with-the-intent-to-acquire-manufacturer-for-its-proprietary-modular-products) / 2024년 1월 10일]

[번역 = 방호윤 기자]

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