[이스라엘] Menorah 제도의 태양열을 이용한 대기 물 발전기 설치 프로젝트
Menorah 제도의 프로젝트는 이스라엘 해안의 아홉 개의 인공섬에 복합적으로 적용되며, 태양열을 이용한 대기 물 발전기(atmospheric water generators : AWG)를 사용해 건조 지역에 물을 추가로 공급하기 위한 프로젝트이다. AWG는 대기의 습도에서 물을 추출해 식수를 제공받으며, 깨끗한 식수와 물부족 문제를 해결하는 중요한 해결 방안으로 떠오르고 있다.
Menorah Islands Project to install solar-powered atmospheric water generators 
The Menorah Islands Project idea, which is intended to create a complex of nine artificial islands off the Israeli coast, is calling for the use of solar-powered atmospheric water generators (AWG) to create an additional source of water for the arid region.
AWGs extract water from humidity in the atmosphere, creating fully potable water from thin air. The technique has been hailed as an increasingly important solution to addressing clean drinking water and water shortages. AWGs are currently capable of generating several thousand gallons per day. Their use has been discussed in relation to several large cities throughout the world that are facing water shortage issues.
Project developers believe that a significant portion of the artificial island complex's water can be generated from this unique source. Additional water-generation will come from a massive, solar-powered desalination plant that will be built on the mainland where the "trunk" of the menorah is shaped. When combined, these techniques will create enough drinking water to export back to the mainland and serve to relieve the stress on the Middle East's continually stressed water supplies.
In the long-term, the project sees an opportunity to create peace between hostile Middle Eastern neighbors by serving as a unifying force through economic collaboration and mutual benefit. The entire complex aims to be the greenest artificial island project ever attempted by utilizing solar power and other environmentally friendly power generating methods.
The Menorah Islands Project artificial islands concept could also incorporate several other environmentally-savvy technologies, including passive systems in place of heating and air conditioning; wind and solar power; and electric car charging stations to encourage gas-free travel.

[출처 = Water World / 2015년 4월 7일]

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