[미국] 환경 물시장, 5억6천만 달러 지출

WestWater 리서치에서 발간한 새 보고서에 따르면 환경 물시장 활동성이 지난 10년 동안 눈에 띄게 성장했다. 이 최신 보고서는 미국 서부 전역에서 유량을 보호하기 위해 획득한 총 물 지출이 5억5천만 달러를 초과했다고 밝혔다.

이러한 매매는 멸종위기 어류종을 위해 유량을 보존하고 수질을 향상시키는 데 비판적으로 작용해왔다. 지난 수십 년 동안 연방정부와 주 조직뿐만 아니라 점점 증가하는 사조직들은 전반적인 매매 활동의 주요한 부분이 되어왔다. 
Environmental water market spending tops $560M, report shows 

According to a new report released by WestWater Research, environmental water market activity has shown significant growth over the last 10 years.
The newest report indicates that total expenditures on water acquired to protect streamflows across the western U.S. have exceeded more than $560 million.
These transactions have been critical for restoring streamflows for endangered fish species and improving water quality. Over the last decade, federal and state agencies as well as a growing number of private organizations have become a major part of overall trading activity.
The report estimates that environmental transactions accounted for 40 percent of total volume traded from 2003 to 2012.
These transactions have had a significant impact on streamflows. In 2012, environmental transactions added nearly 1.3 million acre-feet of additional flows to streams across the western U.S.
While the market is most active in the Pacific Northwest, almost all western states have reported environmental trading activity. 

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 12월 3일]

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