[미국] 캘리포니아 ‘Save Our Water’ 프로그램, 새 공공교육캠페인 런칭

캘리포니아 전역 물보전 교육 프로그램인 ‘Save Our Water(SOW)’는 거주민들이 자신의 물 사용을 더욱 줄이도록 강조하는 새 공공 교육 캠페인을 선보였다. 이 캠페인은 덥고 건조한 계절이자 잠재적인 화재의 위험이 있는 계절에 시행된다.

SOW의 캠페인은 캘리포니아 주민이 외부 물사용을 제한하고 여름철 해가 지는 시간에는 잔디에 물 주는 것을 금하는 등 ‘그냥 내버려 둘 것(Let It GO)’을 촉구하고 있다. 캠페인의 첫 번째 단계는 7월 말 시작될 예정으로 시민들이 ‘물을 끄고(Turn It Off)’, 가능한 내·외부에서 물사용을 줄일 수 있도록 독려할 계획이다.
CA's 'Save Our Water' program launches new public education campaign
Amid ongoing drought, Save Our Water (SOW) -- California's official statewide water conservation education program -- is launching a new public education campaign urging Californians to step up and make even more cuts in their water use. The campaign comes at the start of a hot, dry summer and potentially dangerous fire season.
SOW's campaign urges Californians to "Let It Go" by limiting outdoor water use and letting lawns fade to gold for the summer, while preserving precious water resources for trees and other important landscapes. The campaign's first phase will run through the end of July and also encourages citizens to "Turn It Off" and cut back on water use wherever possible inside and out.
Campaign elements include billboards, outdoor media, traditional and digital radio, digital and social media, theatre ads, and on-the-street efforts that will be seen and heard throughout areas of the state facing the highest water use reduction targets set by the State Water Resources Control Board.
"For the first time ever, we have an overall mandatory statewide goal to reduce water use by 25 percent, with some communities facing targets up to 36 percent," said Mark Cowin, director of the California Department of Water Resources. "The Save Our Water campaign is designed to help Californians find new ways to conserve this summer, especially outdoors."
SOW's website is available in both English and Spanish and is filled with tips, tools and inspiration to help every Californian find new and creative ways to conserve. From tips on how to keep trees healthy during the drought to an interactive section allowing users to visually explore how they can save water both inside and outside the home, SOW has a wealth of available resources. This week, the campaign will be featuring tips to help Californians prepare for the summer fire season.

[출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 30일]

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