[미국] 멕시코 광산에 담수화 통한 물공급 방식 채택
금광업과 에너지 관련 회사인 Chesapeake사는 멕시코의 두랑고(Durango)주에서 금은의 채광 프로젝트에 물을 공급하기 위해 해수담수화를 사용하는 방식의 Metates를 채택했다. 이는 광산과 담수를 공급하는 하루 55Ml 용량의 담수화시설을 구축·운영하는 제안에 대한 위탁이다.
한편, Chesaspeake사는 광산의 수명이 30년임을 고려할 때 해수담수화를 통한 물공급이 광산에 가장 좋은 공급원이 될 수 있다는 결론을 내렸다. 
Gold miner opts for desalination to water planned Mexican mine
The gold mining arm of energy firm, Chesapeake, has opted to use desalinated seawater to supply water for its proposed Metates gold and silver mining project, in Durango state, Mexico. It has tendered for proposals to build and operate a 55Ml/d desalination facility to supply the mine with fresh water.
Chesaspeake Gold concluded that seawater desalination was the best source of water for the 30-year lifespan of the mine. This decision followed its review of a 2013 prefeasibilty study after Mexico's water agency, Conagua, doubled the price of water this year. "Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) water is projected to have lower overall capital and operating costs compared with conventionally sourced surface water." the company said in a statement.
Chesaspeake Gold found that desalination of water from the Pacific offered a cost effective, reliable and sustainable water supply compared to taking water from Conagua. "Besides the economic benefits, desalination decouples the water supply and demand for Metates," said Chesapeake president Randy Reifel in a release.
The proposed SWRO plant would be located within the same hydrologic basin and irrigation district as current users of surface water. Chesapeake said this would simplify water transfer and trade. "In the event of a possible drought, desalination can supplement water for mine operations and surface water consumers in the same basin. Desalination will also reduce the project's environmental impact which benefits eventual mine closure and reclamation," Reifel said.
Chesapeake said it had approached "Several large international companies with experience in the construction and operation of SWRO desalination plants" and a tender process was initiated for proposals to supply desalinated water at about 20 million m³ a year.
The design, engineering and costing of two proposed storage reservoirs is close to completion. The updated prefeasibility study will be available in the third quarter of 2015.
"The natural gas pipeline under construction down the northwest coast of Mexico and proposed dedicated gas-fired power plant for Metates contributes significantly to the economics of SWRO," the company added. 

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2015년 6월 29일]

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