[미국] SFPUC, 샌프란시스코 소방국 물공급 시스템 동력 재공급

샌프란시스코 공공시설위원회(SFPUC)는 최근샌프란시스코 소방국의 102년 된 보조 물공급 시스템(AWSS)에 동력을 재공급하고 있다고 발표하고, 중요한 긴급 물공급 시스템에 의존하고 있는 소방관을 돕기에 나섰다. SFPUC는 이번 프로젝트에 롤스로이스 전력시스템 브랜드이자 디젤엔진 및 추진시스템 제조업체인 MTU를 선정했다.

4개의 MTU 시리즈 2000 엔진으로 AWSS 비상용 펌프 스테이션에 동력을 공급할 예정으로, 이 펌프 스테이션은 1분당 2천700 갤런의 펌핑 용량을 가지며, 화제 발생 시엔 샌프란시스코베이에서 바로 물을 끌어온다.
SFPUC to repower San Francisco Fire Department's century-old water supply system
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) recently announced that it is repowering the San Francisco Fire Department's 102-year-old Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) in an effort to help firefighters relying on this critical emergency water supply system. The SFPUC chose MTU, a Rolls-Royce Power Systems brand within the Land and Sea division of Rolls-Royce and manufacturer of diesel engines and propulsion systems, for the project.
Four MTU Series-2000 engines will power the AWSS emergency pump stations, which have a rated pumping capacity of 2,700 gallons per minute and are responsible for pumping water directly from San Francisco Bay specifically for fire protection. The MTU 12V 2000 C12 engines, which will be installed this fall, will replace four Detroit Diesel Series 71 engines, which were installed in 1972 to replace the system's original steam engines. MTU acquired the Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle product line in 2006.
The AWSS network was constructed after San Francisco's devastating 1906 earthquake, when the shaken city was unable to tap into the San Francisco Bay's abundance of water to extinguish the earthquake's subsequent building fires. Completed in 1913, the network is made up of a collection of water reservoirs, cisterns, suction connections, fireboats, and two pump stations, one of which is in the basement of San Francisco Fire Department's headquarters.
Some of the building's historical features include marble flooring, original windows and doors, as well as mechanical equipment such as process gauges and valves that date back to the building's original construction in the early 1900s. California-based MTU distributor, Valley Power Systems Inc., will provide local support following the installation of the engines through turnkey power engineering services, regulatory compliance assistance, and training and technical support, in addition to complete systems integration. 

[출처 = Water World / 2015년 6월 22일]

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