[Desalitech] 글로벌 물 챌린지 내 확장 위해 1천100만 달러 보증

보스턴에 본사를 둔 고효율 물 생산·폐수처리 솔루션 업체인 Desalitech가 Spring Creek 투자관리사가 이끄는 기업의 민간 투자자들로부터 주식형 펀드 1천100만 달러를 보증했다고 발표했다.

금융 라운드(financing round)는 2014년에 베올리아, 코카콜라 등을 비롯한 메이저 회사들의 이정표(milestones)를 끝마쳤다. 이들은 캘리포니아의 가뭄현상을 포함한 전세계 프로젝트에 글로벌 발자취를 확장하고, 물 솔루션 제공업체로서 뛰어난 수행력을 성취할 것이다. 
Desalitech secures $11M investment to drive expansion amid global water challenges
Today, Desalitech, a Boston-based provider of high-efficiency water production and wastewater treatment solutions, announced that it has secured $11 million in equity funding from a group of private investors led by Spring Creek Investment Management.
The financing round caps off a series of major company milestones in 2014, including signing deals with Veolia, Coca-Cola and other Fortune 500 clients; expanding its global footprint of projects around the world, including drought-impacted California; and achieving outstanding performance as a water solution provider for nearly six years.
The new funding, obtained amid high investor demand, will allow Desalitech to accelerate its growth and strengthen its position as a supplier of high-efficiency water purification solutions. The company's current investors, Liberation Capital and AquAgro Fund, also participated in the financing round, reaffirming their commitment to establishing the company as a specialist in reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment solutions.
As the global need for water increases and resources become more limited, improving the performance of water supply and wastewater treatment is becoming a business and environmental priority. As such, RO is the most widely applied water purification method. Nearly 70 percent of U.S. industrial facilities purify their water supply, mostly with RO; however, traditional RO systems do not use source water efficiently, creating excess brine waste and consuming too much energy.
Desalitech's ReFlex RO products, featuring Closed Circuit Desalination (CCD) technology, for example, serve as the first major advancement in water treatment in decades and represent a significant leap over traditional systems. ReFlex products reduce water waste and waste generation by 50 to 75 percent and energy consumption by 35 percent while greatly increasing reliability and flexibility, leading to a 60-percent reduction in total cost of treatment.

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 12월 2일]


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